Monday, December 17, 2007


Ok, lets use straight talk and a little reality here. Liquor of any kind has always been the worst thing to hit human beings since the beginning of time. More crime, murder, incest, mayhem, car crashes and bad stuff in general has happened because of Booze than any other thing invented or used by man. More divorces, infidelities and robberies are committed because of being a drunk than any other cause.
Somehow knowing these things as the truth has never had any bearing on calling booze a horrible thing and demanding it be made illegal, except during the lame attempt of prohibition. Society at that time decided that it was an adult personal choice and people had to deal with whatever consequences that came with abusing the substance.

Now we’ll look at the realities of Marijuana. I would like to make one thing perfectly clear. As society has done with Booze, the intelligent thing to do is keep it illegal for anyone under say 18-21 years old. Young people’s brains and minds are still in the growing and learning stage and using any mind altering drug or booze has no place at that time at all. So everything from this point on only pertains to grown adults.

As far as I know, no crime, murder, incest, mayhem, car crashes or any other bad stuff in general has ever happened because of Marijuana. Again, as far as I know, no divorces, infidelities or robberies are committed because of being high on weed. It has to be one of the most innocent, harmless natural substances found growing naturally in the wild ever found. Our society also uses probably thousands of natural growing plants, herbs ect for food, drug compounds and a whole bunch of other uses to many to mention here, already with complete safety. Mother Nature has provided us with a bounty of naturally occurring things for our use since the beginning of time.

Being from the sixties, I and everyone else who had any experience with weed, can not believe that by now American society has not grown up and seen the truth of the matter. Most other countries have all along seen Marijuana as a completely harmless low level drug not worth putting any money or legal effort into stopping it’s usage at all. In some countries, they offer it as an appetizer after dinner in restaurants. It has it’s own menu, for god’s sake.

The only thing I know is the fat cats in suits setting up on capitol hill are setting there with their martini in one hand and a pen in the other signing bills to keep it illegal, so it won’t compete with the Liquor industry. Also for the law enforcement crowd, it is job security big time. They get to run around in cool Helicopters, acting like their doing their jobs and bringing in the bad guys as justification for the News sources.

Make the damn stuff legal and collect the millions in taxes that would generate. Turns out it has amazing medicinal properties and helps people with pain and a bunch of other conditions also. By the way, the majority of Californians passed a bill a couple of years ago making medicinal Marijuana legal to grow and use but our ignorant US Government chooses to ignore the will of the people and not obey our local laws.

Ok, now should all drugs be made legal? I’m not sure about that at all but I do know that our present system of throwing people in prison is a complete failure as far as helping people not use or get off drugs of any kind. It could be that we should make all drugs legal and only deal with the actions of people, not what they use. Is it any of the governments business what people put in their bodies, or just what they do? All of us have to take responsibility for our actions and not use drugs or booze or anything else as an excuse. There are no excuses in life. Only actions.


Anonymous said...

a lot of great decisions in history were made by great men that were boozers. Winston Churchill was one of them. I don't know of any dope smokers that did much good.

Anonymous said...

I have to add that your right. Other than music, art and all other creative things, probably didn't do much good politicly but as the whole post talks about, unlike the boozers, they generally don't do anything bad either...

Don't forget, because it's been stupidly illegal, you have no idea how many boozers also used weed.