Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cats, the Watchers

We’ve always had a lot of Cats in our household. We’ve been foster parents for litters of little kittens and have always enjoyed Cat’s antics and personalities. I think most folks would consider them to be pretty good at being our loving little friends that we invite into our homes. On farms and ranches, they have always been great hunters to control the rodent populations, thereby paying their own way in early society.

Since the beginning of time, there have always been too many cats. There are Spay and Neuter Clinics all over the United States trying to keep up with the overpopulation of Cats and none of them even seem to make a dent in the problem. They even catch wild (Ferrell) cats, fix them and put them right back where they caught them. Good, caring people are trying every trick in the book to somehow solve it for the sake of the Cats themselves. So far, they seem to have a magical ability to further their race no matter what. It seems that they are destined to always be here.

After observing so many Cats over a lot of years, I now know that I have the answer to the whole convoluted problem of too damn many Cats.

You see, in the beginning, probably a hell of a long ways away, there are thinking beings so far beyond our meager intelligence that we wouldn’t know them if they were right in front of our eyes. To make a very complication explanation simpler, lets just say they deposited us here and on several life sustaining type planets all over the Galaxy, like seeds. I haven’t quite figured out why yet but put us here, they did. My best guess would be they are running experiments, using real life to see what kind of being would be the most productive and long living.

Ok, space travel is as we can all imagine, quite expensive and a hell of a time eater, so they had to develop a way to receive reports on our progress as time goes on.
Ok, here it comes. The Truth. It’s really quite simple and one of those “plain as day” type things that we see sometimes but don’t recognize, until it’s pointed out to us. You might even want to sit down for this part.

The Beings who deposited us on this planet, put their best “Watchers” on the job with us. Yes, Cats! Amazing, isn’t it. All this time we thought Cats were just these innocent little furry buddies but no. Their millions of years smarter than us and are just here to observe the Human condition and report back to the league of Galaxies.

If you don’t believe me, start paying close attention out of the corner of your eyes to your cats. Don’t let them catch you looking directly at them. They are over there pretending to be asleep when actually, they are glued to our every thought and action. They then do the job they were trained to from the beginning of time.

Haven’t you found it odd that cats really never do anything you say to do. They basically completely ignore you and do whatever they want, whenever they want and only once in a while give you permission to touch their bodies, just a little teaser that they actually love you but only if you do it precisely, exactly as they desire. Any other way and they will show you their superiority real fast like.

No, the only thing that exists for them, the only thing they ever really care about is their mission.

Watch those humans and report…………

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm thinkng you might be on to something!! I also think that cats were put here on earth to teach dogs a few things. Afterall, Cats are very clean animals. They clean themselves frequently AND they bury their poop!! Who knows.. maybe they even played a role in the invention of the toilet!! As for dogs... I think they just play dumb so the cats won't plot against them and have them destroyed. Cats are such cool animals and they know it but don't be fooled...keep your eyes on them when they sneak into your room at night and give you kisses by your nose. They are just testing the water, they actually are just waiting for that opportune moment your face off!! Perhaps it's how they were trained or just because they are wanting a midnight snack but it does happen. Don't be fooled by the purring and love rubs while you're asleep..they are just waiting ... patiently waiting!!!
How's that for a Stephen King thriller?
Your crazy neighbor T