Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Health Care

This subject has turned into the biggest problem in life for me and as I'm told, most everyone else in America. How in the hell did we get to this point? What went wrong with the American Health system?. In the beginning when you cut yourself, you grabbed up a chicken, went in to see Doc Bob. He sewed you up, had a great chicken dinner and everything was hunky dory.
Then this new fangled thing called insurance came along where you paid a few bucks a month and when you had to see old Doc Bob, they would pay the entire bill with money instead of a chicken. This worked pretty well for a while. The monthly payment was like $10.00 a month and that took care of all your medical needs, no matter what happened.

Ok, I'm going to start guessing now, as I have no idea how the whole system went to shit in a hand basket but I think it probably started out with the devil "Greed". For a long time I think it was the doctors slowly raising their prices because, what the hell the "Insurance" company would take care of it. Then everyone involved in the heath industry jumped on the greed bandwagon and started charging more and more without end.

Now jump to the present time and the reasons for the outrageous prices and fees has become a horribly complicated mess without end. At this point even the doctors no longer make much, now that the insurance companies took the whole thing over. All I know is for me and most people I talk to, the whole medical issue is the largest bill of our life, which of course pays absolutely nothing toward our medical needs because they decided we needed to pay most of the bill (deductible) before the insurance would pay anything. The insurance companies even took over the deciding what's necessary part of the process from the doctors so they could turn down a lot of cases as unnecessary and therefore make even more greed money.

Ok, is the answer as most of the developed world is doing, national health care? I have no idea but doubt our stupid ass government would know how to handle this giant problem when they can't even handle normal everyday life type problems.

I do know one thing though. We hire and count on our politicians to do that kind of thinking and problem solving. With this being the biggest problem in the world other than the rag-heads, They should be working day and night until someone deals with the realities of this, or get the hell out of office and let someone else in to try.

I do think there are real answers to our health system failure but we as a society are going to have to make some hard core decisions. Decision that probably will not be politically correct at all. In fact downright mean in some cases like Illegal immigrants getting the hell off the system for instance. I'm sure we all can think of others abusing the system. Well, guess what folks? We either make these hard decisions or you're going to start seeing your neighbors dying right next door with nobody to help them.

So, click on the "Comments" link below and tell us what you think should be done. Maybe us "Common People" can help solve this.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well....Part of the problem is that the politicians have fabulous insurance so it's not at the top of their list as a priority to change anything. Their families are covered, they have the bucks to pay the deductables AND when they are hospitalized, they get a single room with body guards, gourmet food and facials. WHY would anyone that gets the perks want to change the system? It's not what you know, It's who you know!!
Don't know what the solution is but alternative health care works for many and in some cases is better. Too bad it's not recognized by insurance... Hmmm... maybe it's because it would put too many insurance companies, facilities and politicians out of business. Now here's an idea... A healthier america with alternative medicine instead of feeding the insurance demons tons of money.Wouldn't it be nice to focus on living a healthier lifestyle instead of working 3 jobs just to pay for the insurance! Remember "Stress Kills" and so does a stupid healthcare system. Company's have now figured out ways to work their employees so that they don't have to provide benefits. Even with the new laws in regards to providing insurance, companies either fold because they can't cover the costs OR they get more creative in hiring temps or part time workers, resulting in good honest hardworking people having to spend more time away from their families to be able to cover the costs of healthcare. This results in more latchkey kids, etc. What a vicious cycle this has become. On the other hand, I would glady trade a chicken for a checkup!!
Not to change the subject Paul but... How about a little blog on shipping our manufacturing of products overseas when we have plenty of american people out of work here and without insurance? I can't wait to read what you have to say :)
Your crazy neighbor T