Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Religion's new/old role in todays society?

With the present economic situation we find ourselves in, an idea crossed my feeble mind. It's becoming more and more obvious that we the people, our government and business in general slowly but surely started spending more money than we had coming in. This spend, spend problem is not just centered in America but throughout the whole world. This infection came out of nowhere and slowly poisoned everything and everyone.

With most normal people, the problems started with the invention of credit. When I was young, you only purchased what you could pay cash for. If you couldn't afford something, you saved until you could go buy it. Before credit reared it's ugly head, there was something called "Lay-A-Way". This way, you could set an item aside at the store, make payments on it until it was paid for and then take it home. Then the devil in disguise called "credit" became the standard and that's when people started spending more money than they had coming in.

Of course the business world soon followed suit, which of course made those things called "banks" very happy indeed. It didn't take the banks long to realize they could charge outrageous ripoff "interest" for loans to businesses and become the rich, happy, suit wearing greed mongers shitheads they presently are. Now in order to pay back these business loans, the businesses had to charge rip off prices for their goods. All this nonsense sent the whole concept of "Reasonable profits" straight to the garbage bins where they reside to this day.

Getting to the problem of Government now. In the beginning, when people first settled the lands of America in small enclaves then small towns, things were pretty basic and simple, to say the least. People helped people, neighbors helped neighbors. If one of your neighbors fell on hard times with health or just bad luck which was pretty common in those hard days, everyone would jump in and help in any way they could.

There basically was no "Government" in those first days. If there was, it was something to do with setting up the constitution, bill of rights and those kinds of lofty but important things that the common man didn't have the time or inclination to deal with. The common men and women of those times had their hands full just staying healthy and alive. Just dealing with the rigors of everyday life.

When the small towns firmed up, usually a preacher would establish a "church" to fulfill the spiritual needs of the people. Often times, these preachers were just kind, caring semi-educated men who wanted to help their fellow man in any way they could. It was probably most times they who organized parties of caring, like minded folks in the town to help their fellow citizens in times of need. They would form up parties of people to rebuild barns that burned down, replant crops that failed due to drought or other unforeseen and unfortunate causes.

Somehow it went from those logical, caring, creative days of people helping people to where we are at today with government. One day some "elected official" saw some perceived need and thought he could just jump in with government money (our money, shall we not forget") and fix the problem for the people. It all started out as a nice gesture, to be fair and honest but then that or some other government official decided the government could jump in and solve every conceivable problem mankind could ever Have.

Well as we all know, this led to the inevitable place we find ourselves in today. The government started spending more than it was taking in with taxes. Now each of those expenditures were for thoughtful, caring problems seen in society. Things taken individually, were good sounding ideas. The real problem was not asking if the Government (we) could even afford to do these wonderful things. They started borrowing from the future until it inevitably imploded as has now happened.

Okay, to the point with my long winded nonsense. I'm thinking that since religion somehow started out making money through donations or guilt money, whichever you want to call it while paying no taxes, don't they have a tremendous responsibility in all this? What about Government dropping most entitlement programs like welfare, food stamps, free housing, free anything for illegal immigrants and anything else people think government owes them.

How about going back to how it all started where the religious leaders organize the people, volunteers, neighbors, friends and congregations to take on these responsibilities and leave our tax money for the uses it was original designed for. Roads, public safety and the military? Doesn't this make sense? Let organized religion do what they say they're there for. To help the needs of humankind. They can do this if they want to. Quit putting millions and millions into their solid gold trimmed and oak paneled offices and churches and use the money for the good of the people.

I've often thought that if Christ stepped into one of those giant, super fancy, expensive as hell religious palaces, he would be shocked and dismayed at the complete waste of money and effort just for the sake of showing off. I'm sure he would think the religious leaders have completely misunderstood and misconstrued his clear and concise teaching to go forth and help the lowest of the low in society.
Now obviously, not all churches are these monoliths with millions of dollars in the bank. Most small town churches are just that but even they could and should take over as much as they can of they're original purpose of helping humankind, especially at the lowest levels. Therefore leaving our precious tax dollars to be used for their original purposes.

I guess the real question we all are forced to ask ourselves now is can Government (WE) keep on paying for all these things indefinitely with forever rising prices? Should they even try? Are these things the Government's job and function or are they our personal jobs as caring intelligent people with the express help of the tax free religions of the world taking a leading role?

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Come on.......DO IT!

1 comment:

Railroad Ray said... seems like the only real goal of government nowadays is power and to perpetuate itself. The wages, bennies and retirement far outstrip the private sector and something like 48% of working America now works for the Goverment directly or indirectly. When it exceeds 50% there will be no stopping it or turning back.

1984 is almost here..............

Railroad Ray