Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's about time to legalize it folks

I just read in todays paper that there was easily enough signatures gathered to put on the California ballet this November to finally legalize Marijuana. Holy crap folks! It's about time...My generation coming from the fabulous sixties thought this would easily and logically happen way back then and are flat out shocked beyond belief that it still has not happened after all these years.

Marijuana is the most recreational used illegal drug in the United States. It has been estimated that literally millions and millions of otherwise law abiding Americans use the drug to get "high". Same as that glass of wine most regular people relax with nightly. Still there are millions of others that use the drug to ease their suffering from ailments like: Insomnia, Cancer, Aids, or chronic aches and pains. While it is true some states, including California have legalized Marijuana for medicinal purposes, on the federal level Marijuana remains illegal to: possess, cultivate, import, sell or consume. So, lets get this straight. The majority of Californians view Marijuana as a harmless, even beneficial medicine and our "government" considers us to be stupid and wrong headed?

So that means doctors who could prescribe it to their patients as a positive and proven treatment are scared to do so even though they reside in a state that has medicinally legalized it. It is truly nuts that Marijuana should be illegal in a nation where Tobacco kills thousands of people each year from lung cancer and Alcohol causes a majority of fatal car accidents, divorces, murders and and every other kind of crazy crap known to man throughout the ages. When have you EVER heard of a "crazed person on Marijuana, killing people on the streets"?

A study deliberately covered up by the U.S. gov't until recently, The National Toxicology Program found no evidence that Marijuana causes cancer. In fact the study proved the exact opposite. Animals that were exposed to THC (the active chemical in Marijuana) showed less of a risk of getting cancer then those that weren't. Study after study has shown that Marijuana actually decreases a persons risk of getting cancer and that smoking Marijuana does not increase a persons risk of getting any of the cancers associated with smoking. Would you believe that a long term study in Europe has established that those who used it in the sixties were way, way less likely if at all to have anything to do with Alzheimer's disease? Wait, what was I saying? Crap, what's my name? Who are you? Oh that's right. I'm writing this here blog thingy right now...

With marijuana users no longer being jailed for possession lots of room would be opened up in our already overcrowded prison system for more hardened offenders such as: murderers, rapists, child molesters and other violent criminals. The Judicial system would no longer be burdened by having to trial cases involving marijuana. The police will be able to allocate more resources to solving more violent crimes. Since marijuana could be purchased at any drug store after being legalized, violent crimes such as: robbery, drug warfare, contamination of drugs by other substances such as: LSD, PCP and Cocaine could quickly become a thing of the past.

Have you heard the potential tax benefits involved? If it were legalized in the US, $40 billion to $100 billion in new revenue, would be raised off the taxes alone. Can you believe how much that would help our economy? Government would simply be transferring revenue from organized crime to the public purse.

Now clearly the only folks apposed to the legalization of Marijuana are the booze, tobacco and legal drug industries. They know without a doubt that when people wake up to the enjoyment, safety and benefits of weed, they stand to lose their monopoly on our money into their multi-million (multi-jillion?) dollar coffers. The other insane quote I hear is that without a doubt it is a "gateway" drug. In other words if you start using Marijuana, you will inevitably move on to harder and harder drugs. Oh bullshit! Can you imagine how many sixties folks would now be running around hooked on Heroin if that were even remotely possible?

So come on folks. Grow a pair and vote to legalize Marijuana this November and all the other times it will come up here and across America as time goes on. It WILL be legal eventually across the land because we humans eventually do grow up and face reality. It just takes us a hell of a long time sometimes to see the light. Tell those fat, lazy, good for nothing rich politicians to put down their martini's, straight shots of whiskey and legal drugs and quit taking bribes from the tobacco, legal drug and booze industry and do the right thing.

Lets get something perfectly clear here now though. This is NOT FOR YOUNG MINDS. It has no place in the learning process whatsoever. It's not an age thing, it's a mind thing. Another important issue with the youth is they quickly see how relatively innocent weed is and wonder if adults are lying about the dangers of all the other drugs.

Obviously there are certain occupations, like Surgeons ("Cool, would ya look at that"), Pilots ("Wow, lets try that upside down")(insert a little knowing grin here), Barbers (Oh hell, it'll grow back and stop bleeding before you know it), Blasters (Here light my joint, NO NOT THE WICK IDIOT!) and others that just can't partake with safety but the majority can, using common sense and logic.

One last thing here. I really think we should slip some in all the politicians big fat cigars out there who are yelling, screaming, spitting with their neck muscles sticking out right now in our political arena. They certainly could use some mellowing out right about now huh?
OPPS! Did I just say that outloud? Oh well, that's another blog for sure.....


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Come on.......DO IT!


Anonymous said...

awesomeness! lets see em do it

Anonymous said...

oh yeah awesomeness! let see'em do it

Anonymous said...

Damn! And all this time I thought it was legal! However, the people of Humboldt County won't be able to make a living anymore...guess I will just have to grow my own..
From an Oldie, but Goodie

Anonymous said...

God damned hippie! Hey, I don't even smoke, well maybe once a year but no argument from me. Especially the revenue side of things. I have found also that marijuana helps me get laid with women over 50...So, vote YES!

tom wardell said...

Well, I am surprised to see that my original comment got to you as there was no indication of that,(like "your message has been sent"). I never noticed your instructions so that will help. I lost my username/password and that messed things up too but I think I have that sorted out. Let's see what happens this time!
PS I see I have a Google account now whaich looks like is a huge simplification.