Sunday, January 16, 2011

A common man's perspective

This is an e-mail response I got back from a very good friend. In this wild world of the Internet, we've never actually met in person at all. I became "net" friends with him on a Helicopter Pilot forum I discovered through my Daughters career with those weird ass machines. He visits the forum often to give new pilots the experience of his years of flying them safely and with great intelligence. I liked him immediately because of his great writing skills and attitude toward young people trying to break into the Helicopter Pilot industry.

He has always been nothing but positive about the industry and life in general. However, in just the last few months, I've seen him on his Face book page get caught up in all the negative political spin. I felt the need as a friend to write him a note telling him of my concerns. He wrote this back and as usual, it's so well written and I think perfectly reflects what a lot of, if not the majority of Americans are going through right now, that I thought it worthwhile to let all my blog readers hear what his response back to me was.

I'm keeping him anonymous for his own privacy.

Here is his letter back to me.....

First of all, you never have to worry about stepping "beyond your realm" with me. Friends are friends are friends, whether we've ever met face to face or not, and I consider you a very good friend indeed. I always welcome this kind of email from friends and family, because they make me take a look at myself. A reality check of sorts, if you will. That's never a bad thing in my estimation, and I'm not one to go getting defensive because I know the sentiments come from a genuine concern. I appreciate that more than words can say. I'm nowhere near perfect, so I can always use some words of wisdom from a friend!

I've caught myself on many occasions getting sucked into the negativity of the political realm and allowing myself to get swept up in the foolishness of it all. Being a passionate person, all too often I have a tendency to go overboard and let my emotions get the better of me. I have many hot button pet peeves that will set me off in a heartbeat and once I get going, I have a hard time stopping myself.

To name just a few:

Illegal immigration - I think it's just an absolute slap in the face to this nation, and to every immigrant who's ever gone through the process of coming here in accordance with our laws that our government is so incredibly willing to look the other way with regards to the rampant invasion we're experiencing;

Partisan politics - This country cannot survive as a nation divided along political lines. We don't have to agree on every issue, but we DO have to learn to work together and compromise for the greater good of the American people. It's absurd that our "leaders" act like spoiled children, and we allow them to get away with it. It's out of control and it needs to stop;

"Affirmative action" - There was a time when minorities might have needed an extra leg up, but that time is long gone. Nowadays, I just see quotas and affirmative action programs as a way to simply lower the standards for those who are either incapable or unwilling to meet the established standard. I've seen too many friends and family members who were far more qualified, lose out on jobs and scholarships for no other reason than their skin was simply the wrong color. These programs provide no motivation for self-improvement, and foster a society of people who have a sense of entitlement just because they're from a certain ethnic group. The ironic thing is they condone discrimination, even though that's exactly what they were designed to prevent. I think there should be one standard for everyone, and if you do not yet meet that standard, get off your ass and solve the problem. Don't sit around and wait for someone to lower the standard for you;

Anyone with a sense of entitlement - This country is great because people used to believe in doing an honest days' work for an honest days' pay. People knew that if they ever wanted to improve their lot in life, it would take hard work, motivation, and perseverance. Today, it seems too many people feel that they are "owed" something for nothing. More and more it seems people are just willing to sit around and stick their hands out and wait for someone to come along and give them something. I believe that if you want something, you go out and bust your ass to get it. I know you understand this as a self-employed business owner! ;-)

Hypocrites and Liars - Nothing chaps my rosy red ass quite as much as someone who falls into one or both of these categories. I find them more and more often anymore. Doesn't matter if they're slick salesmen, politicians, or whomever. I hate being lied to, I hate being ripped off, and I hate double standards (hence my FB photo album). In my chosen career, my life depends on honesty and integrity. I refuse to tolerate anyone who lacks either.

The above issues and topics will get me spun up fairly quickly and once I start seeing red, the horns come out and I start blowing smoke out of my nose and pawing at the ground. I absolutely have an incredibly fiery temper, though I do realize it and therefore do my very best to keep it in check. I guess it's the Italian in me ;-)

As a student of history, intellectually I realize that this time is just a downturn in our country's cyclical history and that things will get better, as they always do. There have been many before, and this likely will not be the last. On an emotional level though, I am not old enough to remember the last time our nation was in such a predicament. It's one thing to read about it in a textbook, it's completely different to be in the moment and experiencing it as it happens. I guess the doomsday stuff is a result of this. I just wonder how we can stop this snowball when it seems to be gaining speed and it's going down a very slippery slope. It scares me sometimes, to think about what the world and our country might be like when my Daughter has children of her own. I think this is part of the reason I get such a doom and gloom attitude at times. Just fear for what might become based on what I see in the world around me today. It's easier to see the bad than the good, and sometimes I get caught up in it all. I know in my heart of hearts that as you said, most people are good, rational, intelligent human beings. I guess I just need to try to focus on that a little more.

Like I said on my Face Book Page, I consider myself an independent, tho my tendencies are definitely more right-leaning than left. That said, there are plenty of things (gay marriage for one) that I agree with on the left side of the fence that would get me tarred and feathered with my righty friends. The problem is, I don't really care what anyone thinks of my political views, morals, or preferences. I'm always happy to explain myself and my beliefs to anyone who asks. I also love a good, civil debate on the topics when someone has a differing opinion as that is how I expand my horizons and learn. Basically what comes down to is that I just believe in what I think is right, no matter which political group endorses or condemns it.

On the Helicopter Pilot Forum, I do my very best to always be positive and helpful. Thats what that forum is for in my estimation, so that's what I try to present there. I do get caught up in petty arguements and Urinary Olympiads even in there, though I certainly try not to. I genuinely believe in paying it forward, and helping those who want to achieve what I've already achieved (or hopefully they want to do better than me!). On Facebook, it's more of whatever my day brings. Flying Pediatric and Neonatal transport teams for the last 8 months, I've seen some pretty depressing things so I know my FB statuses have reflected that. I'd say on an every day basis, I am far more like the persona you see in the Helicopter Forum, but this past year has been very rough on me and I'm sure that's come out in my FB postings. I do try to see the positive in things, but being an imperfect person, I know I do get negative sometimes. I will endeavor to keep that in mind in this coming year, and do my best to keep it from getting the better of me.

I'll tell you this much, I don't have many friends who would care enough to bring such concerns to my attention, so the fact that you wrote to me means a great deal. Thank you for watching my back, thank you for all the kind words, and thank you for being such an awesome friend. It is an honor to be able to call you my friend, and I hope someday I can give you as much as you've given me through the years. Your support, encouragement, kind words and wisdom have meant so much to me. Thank you.

Blue Skies and Tailwinds my friend.

Do you see why I consider him such an amazing, intelligent person? We need more people with his caring intelligence and integrety, that's for sure.


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COME ON..........DO IT!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm older and "wiser?" and I appreciate your fine writing, your opinions and totally agree with your concerns. It would be great fun to spend an evening with you and Paul, sharing opinions, outlooks, and good stories.... plus a whole lot of BS.

Gene said...

Thank you for the kind words! Though Paul and I live hundreds of miles from each other, I definitely look forward to the day we can sit down face to face, and it would be a privilege and an honor to meet Paul's friends as well!