Monday, January 10, 2011

America needs to start talking, instead of blaming

For all those who actually read most of my blogs, you know I've brought this subject up several times and ways, through the years. In fact the very last one was about this exact subject.

On a quick side note, would you believe I've just recently written my 100th blog. Where oh where does the time go and where oh where does all that bullshit come from? I knew I had a pretty big head because most stores don't carry my size hat but it does amaze me to reach that pinnacle of Esoteric Mumblings to be sure.

As I said, I've been writing about this subject a few times for years now and in my humble opinion (there's that odd, contradictory thought again), it's about time pretty much all the news media are FINALLY just starting to want to talk about it.

The "it" here is of course the clear responsibility all the news sources have to start taking for all the severe, extremist, partisan and clearly dangerous rhetoric they are all spewing more and more all the time. I'm sure for most of those Talk Radio and Television nut cases, it started out as simply an opinion wave they started and the money just started pouring in as more and more ignorant people who forgot to think for themselves jumped on their stupid ass bandwagons.

I have no idea if Jared Loughner who tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and still might succeed, had any influences from the extremist asses but I can tell you this. It doesn't matter in the slightest which side of the stupid political fence these complete morons are on. ALL the talking heads need to turn down their hate and blame before we have another civil war between groups of extremist with middle America caught up in their insanity. Lets get something perfectly clear here. These groups of idiots with their extremist bullshit are a minority. The majority of real, intelligent Americans have not swallowed the bullshit put out by these nut cases and just wish all this stupidity would just go away.

Like I said, I'm super glad all the news organizations are starting to at least talk about their responsibilities in promoting all this hate and blame. Of course in the beginning of these very important conversations, I'm still hearing both extremist sides trying to blame the other side for everything. "Jared Loughner is a left wing extremist" says the right side. "Jared Loughner is a right wing extremist" says the left side. Can't both sides see how incredibly stupid and childish they all sound right now. They ALL sound like a bunch of kids on the Kindergarten playground yelling and screaming at each other. It's time to GROW THE HELL UP KIDS.......

In total, 19 people were shot in the rampage outside a supermarket where Giffords held her meeting. Giffords was shot in the head, and remains in intensive care.
Among the six people killed were a 9-year-old girl who was born on the day of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and was interested in public service, as well as one of Giffords' aides.

Giffords' brother-in-law, Scott, the commanding officer of the space shuttle, spoke over the radio. Flight controllers in Houston fell silent. "As I look out the window, I see a very beautiful planet that seems very inviting and peaceful," he said. "Unfortunately, it is not." "These days, we are constantly reminded of the unspeakable acts of violence and damage we can inflict upon one another, not just with our actions, but also with our irresponsible words," he said. "We're better than this," he said. "We must do better."

Yes, we are Scott. Other than a fringe of nut cases in American, the average intelligent American is indeed far, far better than that.

Robert E. Lee during the Civil War told his solders to not call or think about the other side as "Enemies". They were to call them "Opponents". Can you believe the incredable wisdom involved in that one thought and rule back then?

I am an ardent believer in the concept and stated law in America of freedom of speech but clearly we are going to have to somehow tell all the idiot, screaming, neck muscles sticking out, spit flying out of their mouths nut cases trying to blame the other half of the public for tearing the country apart to SHUT THE HELL UP and start being responsible for their actions. If they want to keep their flaming income and listeners in tact and actually do some good for society, they should slow down, quit the blaming and try and be a catalyst for real answers for our many problems here in America.

Maybe they could try and bring intelligence and pride back into the average Americans life instead of hate and fear. Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air?


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