Friday, December 31, 2010

"The end is near" said the crazy guy on the corner.

One of my super pet peeves is all the Doom and Gloomers who came crawling out of the woodwork in the last couple of years. All those idiots who claim to know the future and for them, the future is none too good, to say the least. Most of them belong to or subscribe to some extreme political cult or group. They only listen to talk/junk radio fat ass drug addict idiots and believe every word they hear.

For them, the main stream media are all lying to us on every front. They basically blame them for all our woes. They pine for the "good old days", when they thought life was basically "black and white". You know..........The guy with the white hat loved, protected the citizens and was always good, pure of mind and heart and never did anything wrong at all. Now.........The guy with the black hat was the devil incarnate. He was a crook, mean to small children and would rape and molest all the women in the neighborhood without a second thought to what was right or wrong.

These Doom and Gloomers really started big time during the so-called year 2000 computer disaster, which of course like everything else they freak out about never even happened at all. As far as I know, NOTHING whatsoever happened! Back then all these crazies dug huge holes in their backyard, lined the walls with 4" impenetrable metal and stocked up their hidy hole with enough food to last for the few years they thought the end of the world would take to catch up with them. Then they went out and bought up every bullet within 50 miles of their new home in the dirt to be able to protect themselves from the unshaven masses who were for sure coming to try and rape and pillage their loving families.

Now of course they all have rotting, stinking, putrid food they need to deal with. They also drove the price of ammunition through the sky with their idiocy. Now bullets cost more than gold, thank you very much...Maybe after they clean all the rotten food and ammunition out of their special holes in the ground, their children and grandchildren will at least have a fort they can play in huh?

All throughout history there have been nut cases standing on the corner with hand drawn signs that say "The end is near". I wouldn't doubt if they even had savage nut cases as far back as the cave man days screaming about the local volcanoes about to erupt because they thought the other tribes were not paying enough attention to whatever gods they believed in at that time.

So.........believe it or not, after all the Doom and Gloom predictions about the world as we know it ending because of our new president or any number of other stupid reasons put out by the extremist, we're still doing just fine, thank you. Matter of fact, there are clear signs that everything is creeping very slowly to be sure, back toward whatever will be our new normalcy in these interesting times we find our selves in at this time in history.

Sometimes the Doom and Gloomers even try and compare our present temporary recession to the Great Depression. Can you believe that? Have you seen pictures of those poor folks back in those times. Holy Shit. We're all rich beyond imagination compared to those times. Back then, there was no safety net of any kind for those poor souls. No welfare. No food stamps. No nothin! There was starvation, for heavens sake back then. Now days, with the wonderful outpouring of food, clothing and housing available for the poorest of the poor, we have it made in general compared to those terrible and unfortunate days.

There's nothing I can say to the Doom and Gloomers that will make them understand how out of touch and crazy they are, other than to tell them to shut the damn radio off, but for the rest of us.............

Just relax folks. Slowly but surely, the same as the other approximately dozen temporary recessions we have already lived through, the economy will get better. Americans are the most resourceful, creative people on the planet and will be just fine in the long run. The job market will start slowly growing with time. Even losing some of our manufacturing base is temporary. With all the new "green technologies" coming along and being invented daily, new job skills will be necessary, which will put people back to work eventually.

At this point in time, the only people I personaly feel sorry for are people who are subjected to the Doom and Gloomer's crazy rants. I'm guessing these poor folks make any excuse they can to get the hell away from these nutcases as soon as they can. As the title of this piece says:
"The end is near" said the crazy guy on the corner", as normal, sane people just shake their heads, laugh and move their families to the other side of the street for their own safety..........


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