Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Words are mighty interesting sometimes, aren't they? I've been told several times the English language has the most infuriating, nonsensical, cockeyed, ludicrous, obtuse, opaque, meaningless words known to man/women/critter and of course Aliens from various other Galaxy's. Our language is about as convoluted, tangled, tortuous, labyrinthine and impenetrable as can be.

Who in the hell decided that we needed hundreds of different ways to say things that should be quite simplistic to convey, transmit, communicate or even proclaim?
The man/women who made these stupid decisions should have had their assess kicked for muddling, confusing, dumbfounding and bewildering us with their idiosyncrasies and insanities.

They should be bound and dragged to the town square, put in the stocks and have all the children in the town throw rotten garbage and other unmentionables, nightclothes, nightwear, underclothes, underclothing, underthings, underwear, and undies at them until they beg the forgiveness of the masses for screwing up the language.

To tell the truth, (novel idea huh?) I was just getting a tad bored and most times, that's all it takes to drive me to write. The next thing required is just a kernel, seed, crux, grain, morsel, nubbin and or grain of an idea.

Often just one word or phrase, byword, catch phrase, catchword, diction, expression, idiom, locution, maxim, motto, parlance, phraseology, phrasing, remark, saying, shibboleth, slogan, styling, tag, terminology, utterance, verbalism, verbiage, watchword, wordage, wording and off my little mind travels down the yellow brick road.

The word that came to mind this time was "SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!"
God, what a cool word huh? Of course the first thing it brings to mind for those of us in the "long of tooth" era is the Mary Poppins movie, Sound of Music.
Often times song writers have super, creative, originative, fanciful, notional, fictive, imaginative, inventive and yeasty ways with words, don't they?

If you really want to see words stand up straight and come alive. If you have some valuable time to completely waste, goto:


This was actually the first piece I ever wrote, written far far before I even knew I might have it in me to write. I probably should have known right then and there that telling worthless tales might just be my best attribute. One I should milk for all it's worth and go down in history someday as "A rumor in his own time".

Soooooooooooooooooooooo. After completely wasting some of your valuable time on this piece thinking this Paul Dude might have something wise or at least intelligent to say about something, finding out instead he was just bored and just set out to fill this space with nonsense to feel important and alive, what say you?

Do you have it in you to write a letter to Editor of this Newspaper and ball Paul out or whatever you need to do to feel self important also? I'm telling you right now that a damn kindergartener could do this. Most people are just too lazy or insecure to try and figure it out. Are you one of those or do you have what it takes?


Right at the bottom of this posting is a "Comments" link. Click on it, follow the instructions and leave a comment about this post. You can use your name or make up one, by CLICKING INSIDE THE CIRCLE beside "Name/Url", or just leave your comment anonymously by CLICKING INSIDE THE CIRCLE beside "Anonymous".

I will receive an e-mail, OK it and then it will appear for others to view after they click on the comments link.

COME ON..........DO IT!!!


Paul said...

wow! You made it this far, you're almost there. Now read below do what it says.

Right at the bottom of this posting is a "Comments" link. Click on it, follow the instructions and leave a comment about this post. You can use your name or make up one, by CLICKING INSIDE THE CIRCLE beside "Name/Url", or just leave your comment anonymously by CLICKING INSIDE THE CIRCLE beside "Anonymous".

I will receive an e-mail, OK it and then it will appear for others to view after they click on the comments link.

COME ON..........DO IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh the peer pressure to respond, reply, verbalize, comment, answer, remark, react, express in words....Oh...you know what I mean! Now spell mississippi you show off!! :)
From your friend & Crazy Neighbor T

Anonymous said...

Asshole, for wasting my time and for self assurance.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Now re-write that whole blog without spellcheck, lol, I couldn't get half of it right if I tried!

Paul said...

You have to be joking. I could not live without spell check. Matter of fact, as far as I'm concerned whoever invented that needs to have a statue erected in his/her honor on top of the White House for all to see and revere. Hell, I just used it for two corrections on this very piece. The other example of people who should be revered daily is Mr/Mrs Shower. Holy shit, I love thee dearly and could not live without my daily shower. Everybody around me thanks thee too......."^)