Thursday, August 26, 2010

These interesting times......

In these "interesting times" we now find ourselves in, quite a few folks are pretty nervous about what's going to happen in the future. How we're going to survive the present economic conditions, with all it's uncertainties and unknowns. Will we follow the normal events that have came out of all the other recessions and even the "great depression" in our history?

It sure is hard to imagine positive results when we are all caught in this particular recession. With all the poor folks out of jobs and losing their homes. People struggling just to pay their bills and put food on the table, it's pretty easy to get caught up in the old "down mood" prevalent in a certain ill informed minority of Americans at this time.

OK, enough with the negative spin on things. Lets talk about some realities throughout history now. First of all, with an average unemployment rate of around 10% across America right now, the thing never mentioned in the news or from the Doom and Gloomer's clubs is that means on average, 90% of folks are still employed and doing relatively fine. Now even those folks still employed are a little nervous and playing it safe with their money, as well they should. Which according to reliable economist is the main cause of our ongoing recession right now. 75% of our economy is driven by Americans spending money. With people not spending money on normal items, it means the production of those items with the employment involved is at an extreme slowdown right now.

Another truth that's not said in the media is some of the best times in American history took place AFTER THE DEPRESSION. By the 40's and on through the 70's, the depression was pretty much gone and prosperity was at an all time high for the average American.

The truth that comes to mind for me in times like these is even though we have made some huge mistakes like sending all the manufacturing of American products to other countries, instead of having our own people have those good paying jobs and sustaining our own economy we let them go elsewhere. All in the name of being able to buy the things we think we need as cheaply as possible.

So, obvious mistakes aside, the reality is all throughout history, Americans have always been some of the most inventive, creative, intelligent folks on this Earth. So.... we gave most of our large manufacturing away, we'll come up with something else new and exciting as hell to manufacture soon.

Mark my words. There's some engineer, inventor, or genius out there right this minute working in his dark barn or garage about to have his own "AHA" moment, when he discovers some miraculously wonderful new product or way of doing something. Some amazing breakthrough that changes everything for us. Something of tremendous value that puts thousands, if not millions of people to work.

Some examples of this truth would of course be the light bulb. Did you know that when Edison invented that little devise, most everyone of those times thought it was a waste of time. A stupid idea when everyone was quite happy with their lanterns and candles. It took him years to convince small towns to install the systems needed to make it work for them. Then and only then did the populations of those times see the good of this new fangled idea as something they might actually use on a regular basis.

Another example is of course the Automobile. When whoever first built one had it up and running, everyone basically laughed right out loud at that noisy, clunky worthless piece of crap. Why would anyone want one of those contraptions when they had dependable horses to get where they wanted to go? How would you even be able to drive it anywhere on rut and pocked marked horse and wagon dirt trails all over the country? Again, it took years to create the infrastructure to make it a usable device for the masses to use .

In the present times are things like Solar Power. This relatively new invention came out of the brains of people who one day just looked up and wondered about that bright, hot thing in the sky that burns every day without fail, other than on cloudy days. They probably noticed that water left out in the sun became hot. That led them to wonder how that tremendous resource could be put to good use and Viola! A whole new exciting industry was started. It's now growing in leaps and bounds and putting tons of folks to work making pretty good money. It's especially good for those who lost their jobs in the building industry. Those people are now being re-trained in the manufacturing and installation of Solar Units by the millions across America.

Being a perpetual, life long "Glass half full" guy and proud of it, I'm telling you right now the future is going to be just fine. It very well might take more time than we all would like to see but get better it will. The old "Bubble" analogy will probably happen again just like this time and every time after a large downturn makes everything seem hopeless. That's just the nature of life folks. Life is one big old pendulum. Swinging on way, much too far eventually, then it starts back in the other direction, way too far in the end. The reality and part that's important to always remember is that damn pendulum has always worked that way and will continue forever to swing into the future.

So as I've said over and over in these "interesting" times...........don't let the doom and gloom idiots get to you. They're full of shit and their bullshit is just that... Hold your head up high, grab a smile and see your life as it clearly is.........hopefully with loving friends and family, a dog and two cats who love you unconditionally and a mate who thinks you're the cats meow....(well, most of the time)


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