Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh yeah? Well, your Mom wears combat boots.....

Well, It's FINELY becoming apparent to all of us that our collective acceptance of negative ads on the political front is readily and rightfully coming to a screeching halt. I just saw on the news a perfect example of this fact. Seems during a get together somewhere in California, between our present Governor and the two idiots trying for the job an interesting and very telling thing happened.

Tom Brocaw, with NBC who was moderating the event asked a very, very good question of both of the idiots. He simply asked them if they might declare a cessation of all negative political ads until the end of this mid term election. Now the part that completely blew my mind was the immediate and loud applause just the question got from the visiting audience in attendance.

I've been disgusted for years with this whole lame brained method of trying to get our votes. Everyone I've talked to for the last couple of years have always agreed that it was idiotic and questioned our intelligence to say the least. We don't need to hear the opposition bring up every little negative thing about their competitor to make up our minds who might be the best idiot to run things into the ground, as they all seem to eventually do.

I'm sure everyone in California and probably most everyone everywhere see that the candidates all use negative and smear campaigns until right at the last minute. Then they all put out some smiley, syrupy, sappy, look at how nice and capable I really am ads. They believe of course that with our very short memories, we'll forget they acted like little kids on the kindergarten playground calling each other dirty names all along with these last minute niceties.

One of the worst negative ad offenders was the bitch Meg Whitman. Then just this last week, she put out what I thought was what I would have loved to hear from day one. An ad talking about only herself and what she might be able to bring to the political table to help California survive into the future.

We can't leave out our old as the hills, forever politician Jerry (moonbeam) Brown, though can we? With his very negative but concise ads comparing the bitch with our present failed Governor. I really don't know as I try to not watch any of that crap, but I'll bet even he has now put out a couple of last minute positive ads also.

By the way, their answer to Tommy was something like this. Moonbeam mumbled something like if the bitch stopped, he would. The bitch went into this whole explanation about not using personal attack ads but stating moonbeams political failings was different. By the way, the attending audience booed all attempts to their justification for continuing the negative ads.

I've asked myself this question for years now. Do you think we will ever again have a candidate we are actually excited about? One we believe cares about the common man/women and would do things on our behalf, instead of their own bullshit political agendas or just to further their personal careers?

Read the instructions below and let us know what you think.........


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COME ON..........DO IT!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Words are mighty interesting sometimes, aren't they? I've been told several times the English language has the most infuriating, nonsensical, cockeyed, ludicrous, obtuse, opaque, meaningless words known to man/women/critter and of course Aliens from various other Galaxy's. Our language is about as convoluted, tangled, tortuous, labyrinthine and impenetrable as can be.

Who in the hell decided that we needed hundreds of different ways to say things that should be quite simplistic to convey, transmit, communicate or even proclaim?
The man/women who made these stupid decisions should have had their assess kicked for muddling, confusing, dumbfounding and bewildering us with their idiosyncrasies and insanities.

They should be bound and dragged to the town square, put in the stocks and have all the children in the town throw rotten garbage and other unmentionables, nightclothes, nightwear, underclothes, underclothing, underthings, underwear, and undies at them until they beg the forgiveness of the masses for screwing up the language.

To tell the truth, (novel idea huh?) I was just getting a tad bored and most times, that's all it takes to drive me to write. The next thing required is just a kernel, seed, crux, grain, morsel, nubbin and or grain of an idea.

Often just one word or phrase, byword, catch phrase, catchword, diction, expression, idiom, locution, maxim, motto, parlance, phraseology, phrasing, remark, saying, shibboleth, slogan, styling, tag, terminology, utterance, verbalism, verbiage, watchword, wordage, wording and off my little mind travels down the yellow brick road.

The word that came to mind this time was "SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!"
God, what a cool word huh? Of course the first thing it brings to mind for those of us in the "long of tooth" era is the Mary Poppins movie, Sound of Music.
Often times song writers have super, creative, originative, fanciful, notional, fictive, imaginative, inventive and yeasty ways with words, don't they?

If you really want to see words stand up straight and come alive. If you have some valuable time to completely waste, goto:

This was actually the first piece I ever wrote, written far far before I even knew I might have it in me to write. I probably should have known right then and there that telling worthless tales might just be my best attribute. One I should milk for all it's worth and go down in history someday as "A rumor in his own time".

Soooooooooooooooooooooo. After completely wasting some of your valuable time on this piece thinking this Paul Dude might have something wise or at least intelligent to say about something, finding out instead he was just bored and just set out to fill this space with nonsense to feel important and alive, what say you?

Do you have it in you to write a letter to Editor of this Newspaper and ball Paul out or whatever you need to do to feel self important also? I'm telling you right now that a damn kindergartener could do this. Most people are just too lazy or insecure to try and figure it out. Are you one of those or do you have what it takes?


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COME ON..........DO IT!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I’m schizophrenic and so am I…………

Most people in the world seem to take life far, far too serious. Now there are plenty of times when seriousness is completely called for, that's for sure. The problems seems to be how much that attribute has taken over obsessively to the exclusion of all else. What about fun, enjoyment, laughter, merriment, lightness, craziness and just plain treating life as the dance it could and should be?

Important: important or grave enough to require thought and attention. Thoughtful or thought-provoking way. Earnestness, serious-minded, sincerity, sedateness, staidness, solemnity, solemness, graveness, gravity, sobriety, soberness, somberness, connectedness, commitment.....

Looking at all those definitions of the word seriousness gives one pause, now doesn't it? They all sound stiff as hell and damn boring. Not a plan or philosophy one would choose to live all the time by huh? Now there are plenty of times in ones life where being serious is the only way to go. Driving a car, any kind of flying, school in all it's applications, at work when one is trying to accomplish an important task etc.

To my admittedly (and with great pride) twisted mind, the devil in the details here is the entire concept of "political correctness". This stupid, insane, asinine present day invention was invented by muddle headed do gooder idiots who think they can tell everyone else what's "proper thinking". Well, they can all take a flying leap off a tall building as far as I'm concerned.

Ask anyone who works in a small to large company and they'll tell you as this insidious garbage philosophy entered the work place, all the fun went out the window and their jobs slowly became a drag instead of a place they wanted to be at. Instead of having a vested interest in doing the best they could for the company because they flat out enjoyed being there and being a positive contributor to the success of the company, now they just "put in their time, doing just what's necessary to get by and not be fired and get the hell out of there as soon as the clock lets them go each day.

Women became something you better not even look at for fear of "offending" them is some way, instead of Men's friends and equals. People of any color other than white became someone you deferred to and stepped lightly around for fear of "offending" them in some crazy way. So everyone you used to consider friends and co-workers now became potential enemies, who could cause you to lose your job. Now everyone there was now required to go to "political Correctness" education classes. Now doesn't that sound like some god damn communist countries attempt at mind control or something?

Well.....................I'm super proud to say that at my business, people have the right to say anything they damn well please about any subject whatsoever. It's a place for sexist, racist, dumb, crude, bad, stupid, nonsensical jokes of any kind. The only rule there is "if it's funny, it's funny". Even it it's not, it only deserves a loud, rude groan at the most. I pride myself on sending people out the door with not just a great haircut, but in a completely different mood if they were kind of grumpy when they entered.

Examples of my line of bullshit would be as I'm letting them out of the chair, I might say "Well, that'll have to do until the good Barber gets back", Or "I promise, the bleeding will stop soon". Or "I re-carved the dirty word in the back". I especially enjoy messing with stiff, uptight people in expensive suits. One time, I asked this judge dude why he kept coming back for my abuse and he surprised me with "You know what? You're one of the only people in my life who treats me as a normal everyday person, instead of with phony respect as most everyone else does at my job. You give me a healthy dose of reality and I like it".

So come on folks, life doesn't have to be so damn serious all the time. It should and can have a healthy dose of fun, creativity, laughter, spontaneity (a huge, loud, obnoxious, snot flying belly laugh is good for you) and a little bit of craziness can go a long way to enriching and improving your lives and those around you.



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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Use it or lose it...

The older I get the more this fact becomes apparent, vital and real.


That just might be the definitive reason and clear objective of life as we know it. What brought this fact to the forefront for me at this time is the latest little hobby I've taken up. Learning to fly Remote Control Helicopters. I've taken up some rather difficult things in my life but this one takes the cake for sure. Everyone in the Remote Control world made it extremely clear every time I brought it up that this was a complete waste of time and money. They all told horror stories about people wasting hundreds, if not thousands of dollars trying to perfect this and failing miserably in the end.

Even my Daughter who is a Helicopter Pilot told me she knows several Helicopter Pilots with thousands of hours of experience who bought into the hobby with extreme gusto and gave up in disgust in a surprisingly small amount of time and now have them sitting on a shelf in a closet somewhere in their homes collecting cobwebs, with nothing but cuss-words and shame for memories. Other than learning to actually fly them is the extreme learning curve on the transmitters. That's the control mechanism you hold in your hand to send the signals to the "Servos" which move the control surfaces on the Helicopter itself. That damn thing nowadays is a very sophisticated computer, would you believe. You can now program it to do just about anything except maybe butter your bread or give you a massage.

So along with trying to learn to fly this damn thing for more than three minutes without crashing and adding another $100 for repairs to my wonderful new hobby (say thank you, Terry at HobbyTown USA in Rocklin), I now have to learn another entire new computer language. Now as complainy as I sound, I actually am having a ball learning and adding all these new skill sets to my life.

That brings me to the gist of this new revelation. It's wonderful, challenging and exciting to have new hard as hell I should add, things to do to my life. It's so easy for everyone to just fall into normal routines of life. Hell, it's hard enough to just get by nowadays without purposely adding more complications to everything as it is, now isn't it? But ya know what? That's what keeps life new, interesting and anti-boring.

This "Use it or lose it" philosophy is true in every aspect of our lives. Ask any health professional and they'll tell you to use that body. Push it to it's limits at all times. Get off your lazy ass, get off the couch, turn off the boob tube and get moving. You see all the time quite old people at various stages of activity or lack of. The ones on the move are staying in pretty good shape and seem happy, vibrant and alive. Now discounting the very unfortunate facts of disease in it's every form, the plain lazy, weak ones are unfortunately sliding down the slippery slope of declining health right before our eyes. A generation or so ago, the thing to do was to retire as soon as you could, buy a great recliner for the front room and finally get to relax after working all ones life. Well, that lasted maybe a few months or years and then they achieved the ultimate relaxation staring up at the grass at the cemetery.

This whole thing also applies to all the parts of life also. Sex......Use it or lose it. Happy attitudes......Use it or lose it. Friendships......Use it or lose it. Skills, like cooking, playing an instrument, reading, writing, playing golf or any game. They all require one to keep on going full blast at all times. Just like exercise or using the hot tub (silly example but true). Each time I think of it, the first thing that comes to mind is "Dammit, that's just too much trouble, I'm kind of tired right now and don't feel like putting the effort out to do it". Then I force myself and ALWAYS, it's great and I'm super glad I did it.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo, get off your ass, start a new hobby, get outside and go for a walk, take up Kayaking, get in the car and go shopping in a new place you've never been before, learn something new. Something completely beyond your normal skill sets and desires.

By the way, come hell or high water, I WILL get this down. I WILL amaze and impress my daughter, her Helicopter Pilot husband and my friends one day soon. Well......... maybe next year but by God, I WILL DO THIS!



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Come on.......DO IT!